When you work in the events industry, managing advance payments is crucial to your cash flow. But it can sometimes be difficult to know whether your customers have actually paid the deposits you’ve requested. Cela peut entraîner des pertes de temps considérables pour retrouver les informations de paiement dans vos comptes bancaires, vos e-mails ou votre logiciel de comptabilité.
That’s why Lab Event is the ideal tool for tracking down payments in real time, saving you valuable time in your financial management.. With Lab Event, you can easily add down payment tasks for each customer, and track the status of each task in real time.
What’s more, you can add comments and payment-related documents to keep track of all the important information. Lab Event will also send you automatic reminders to check that the customer has paid the deposit.
Lab Event also lets you indicate the amount of the deposit received on the invoice, for a clear view of payments received and not received. This means you can quickly find out who has paid when, and the total amount of down payments still outstanding. You can also export this information for use in your accounting software, or share it with your colleagues.
With Lab Event, you won’t have to waste time looking for your down payments, and you can easily track the status of each payment and get an overview of all your down payments in one place. Try Lab Event now and focus on what really matters to your business!
Focus on automation to notify sales reps that their invoice has been paid
In Lab Event, you can create an automation to notify your sales force (or another person) that the invoice has been paid.
By creating an automated system triggered by invoice payment.
We then decide to send an email to someone (or to the salesperson, project manager…).
Choose the mail template
and there you go!
You will then be informed as soon as an invoice is paid, i.e. as soon as a deposit invoice is paid.