Quantitative statistics
Analyze your conversion rate.
Lab Event allows you to view your data by event status and business source.
Also, you have the possibility to have a global view on the number of events per salesperson and the number of participants in each event.
You will be able to filter by day, week, month and year and also indicate a very precise date range.
You can then determine the relevant solutions to improve your processes and your sales.
Financial statistics
Easy to interpret data.
With Lab Event you will be able to analyze your financial performance from your quotes and invoices.
You will be able to filter the results by event status, by client type, by project manager, by business source.
Colorful graphics, attractive design, text aids: your figures are easier to read.
In the quantitative statistics tab you will be able to output reports where you will see the number of events per day, per week, per month and per year.
You can also view the number of events managed by each salesperson
Lab Event allows you to have an overview of the status of your events at any given time.
The financial statistics allow you to see your sales per day, per week, per month and per year.
The financial statistics also allow you to see your revenue linked to the number of people attending your events.
You will also be able to view the turnover per salesperson over a given period.
Lab Event allows you to analyze the sources of your event requests in a very visual way.
Make big data talk: Access an analytical view of your business!
This tool will give you an overview of your quotes and invoices and much more.
Create groupings by type, by status, by event or by large family of items.
Use the filtersby date range and organize the results between the different columns and export your analyticswith ease.
Your benefits
- Relevant solutions
- Intuitive readout of results
- Personalized client follow-up
- Graph generator with real time data
Client testimonial
With Lab Event I am able to analyze in real time my turnover and my margin and to see the performance of each sales person in the team.
Also, the software allows me to have a global vision of our activity by type of customer, by type of event and service.
Amandine, director of an event agency
Practical Case
As an event professional, you need to know your performance throughout the year.
Lab Event allows you to report on your results, both in terms of number of requests and in financial terms.
You will be able to filter the results by day, week, month or year and you will have a view on the sources of your requests, your types of customers, the status of your events and the performance of your teams.
Statistics FAQ
Il vous aide à visualiser vos chiffres, en termes de nombre de demandes et en termes financiers, d’un seul coup d’œil.
- Générer des graphiques avec les données en temps réel
- Analyse de votre taux de concrétisation
Sur la barre latérale de navigation, vous trouverez le pictogramme pour le module statistiques