Simplify your information searches wirh Lab Event

There are a plethora of tools and software available to help us work more efficiently. However, this can quickly become a nightmare when we have to search for information on several different tools (word, excel powerpoint, task management tool…). This can take a lot of time and energy, and can even be discouraging.

prise de brief et échange avec le client

That’s where Lab Event comes in. Lab Event is a software package dedicated to event professionals, offering a complete platform for event management. With Lab Event, you can manage all your event and supplier information in one place.


Lab Event’s event management software provides an interconnection between all aspects of your event. Our CRM makes it easier than ever to create and manage your event. Lab Event’s features include service provider searches, quick briefing, customer exchanges and much more.

recherche de prestataires

What’s more, Lab Event lets you track all your customer contacts, past activities and event requests. You can also access a comprehensive database of suppliers, simplifying the organization of your events.

devis et facture d'un événément logiciel lab event

Finally, Lab Event provides an overview of all your events on a calendar that can be accessed at any time, and shared with all your team members to keep them informed.

Liste des contacts clients lab event

Using Lab Event, you can also create quotes and invoices from an event or for a company at the click of a button. You can track all your payments, set your VAT rates, calculate your margins and commission rates, and export your financial documents.

Calendrier général


Lab Event is an all-in-one solution for event professionals, offering them a complete platform for event management. By using this tool, you can simplify your information searches across several different tools, saving time and energy. Try Lab Event now to see how it can solve this problem for you.

Take your event management to the next level!